
0 Fam New Jersey Trip

We left around 4am in the morning, and I slept through majority of the trip so I couldn't take pictures. But once we arrived to New Jersey, we headed to Jersey City to eat lunch at "Jollibee" [this is my childhood fast food :) ] and we ordered a bunch of food as the last time I had this was in the Philippines which could be around 4 years o.O"
Anyways after that I found out a bunch of my friends had come to this community conference that my parents had made my brother and I go to. But it was fun knowing we were not alone and so we made the most out of this. This night we all chilled in the lobby of the hotel, where we all ordered pizza and chinese food. LOL! We are so original~ (actually the hotel told us those are the only places that do take out in the area). Anyways, as we were eating we found out that the NFL New York Giants are staying at our hotel. They are super total and buff O.O" (this is how we were all looking at them for a while). Also our pizza didn't arrive on time and we had a mix up too. All and all the day was super fun! And happy birthday again to my new friend Fatima that day~ ^.^*

My friends and I all explored what was around us, it was a lot of fun. We were able to eat all our 3 meals let's just say. After we hung out at the pool and fitness area where it had become a pool party! Luckily the hotel was totally cool with it. The view that night was super nice.

After my parents finished their conference we headed to a fam jam down South of New Jersey. It was nice to see old faces and to be able to see my parents happy to catch up with everyone. We spent about almost 6 hours trying to catch up and telling jokes. Then we headed off for the evening down at Atlantic City, at the Famous Atlantic City Boardwalk and also hung out the the Trump Taj Mahal Casino. It was such a beautiful night, and just being able to take some tranquil time away from the noise of cars and be able to breathe in some ocean area was a pretty nice feeling. My brother had his first taste of Phili steak sandwich and he ended up getting addicted, while the rest of us had desserts (I had ice cream ^^)

Today was a whole day of shopping, and my dad had to end up dragging me out of the mall as I wouldn't dare try to leave the feeling of being surrounded by such beautiful clothes I will never get to see again in Toronto :'( But I got just a couple of things to bring back. 

Yummy "Rainbow Sprinkle" Donut. 

We got home around almost 1am in the morning, so I ended up sleeping in for almost 10 hrs. When I woke up my mom didn't want to cook, so we went out for a late lunch and early dinner. But before that we watched the movie, "Wolverine" where we bumped into my best friend DA and JA. And how we ended up noticing each other is just too funny to explain, but we couldn't talk for too long as we were all getting hungry and they were out with their co-workers. But I'll see you guys next week ;) Anyways, right after we went out to go pick up my dog Bibbo from his daycare, he was super happy to leave and go home already. I missed him too :') 

The little things I bought a long the trip <3


0 16 Steps to Happiness

1. Push yourself to get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. go to the nearest hill with a big coat and a scarf and watch the sun rise.

2. Push yourself to fall asleep earlier - start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm. wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable.

3. Erase processed food from your diet. Start with no lollies, chips, biscuits, then erase pasta, rice, cereal, then bread. Use the rule that if a child couldn’t identify what was in it, you don’t eat it.

4. Get into the habit of cooking yourself a beautiful breakfast. Fry tomatoes and mushrooms in real butter and garlic, fry an egg, slice up a fresh avocado and squirt way too much lemon on it. Sit and eat it and do nothing else.

5. Stretch. Start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then trying to touch your toes. Roll your head. Stretch your fingers. Stretch everything.

6. Buy a 1L water bottle. Start with pushing yourself to drink the whole thing in a day, then try drinking it twice.

7. Buy a beautiful diary and a beautiful black pen. Write down everything you do, including dinner dates, appointments, assignments, coffees, what you need to do that day. No detail is too small.

8. Strip your bed of your sheets and empty your underwear draw into the washing machine. Put a massive scoop of scented fabric softener in there and wash. Make your bed in full.

9. Organize your room. Fold all your clothes (and bag what you don’t want), clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor. Light a beautiful candle.

10. Have a luxurious shower with your favourite music playing. Wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. Lather your whole body in moisturizer, get familiar with the part between your toes, your inner thighs, the back of your neck.

11. Push yourself to go for a walk. Take your headphones, go to the beach and walk. smile at strangers walking the other way and be surprised how many smile back. Bring your dog and observe the dog’s behaviour. Realise you can learn from your dog.

12. Message old friends with personal jokes. Reminisce. Suggest a catch up soon, even if you don’t follow through. Push yourself to follow through.

14. Think long and hard about what interests you. Crime? Sex? Boarding school? Long-forgotten romance etiquette? Find a book about it and read it. There is a book about literally everything.

15. Become the person you would ideally fall in love with. Let cars merge into your lane when driving. Pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine. Stick your tongue out at babies. Compliment people on their cute clothes. Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. Then two. Then a week. Walk with a straight posture. Look people in the eye. Ask people about their story. Talk to acquaintances so they become friends.

16. Lie in the sunshine. Daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing. Open your eyes. Take small steps to make it happen for you.

I found this on tumblr and feeling like giving this all a try, while I am still on vacation and not on full time work yet. ^^* 


0 Sick

Just last weekend my food problem with gluten decided to roll its way back into my life. I already said goodbye to it a few months ago after I was able to start eating it again, and it came back with a horrible return. My gluten problem stops my body from ingesting anything with gluten meaning I can't digest it, so it causes me to have a low immune system (that's why I've been sick for 2.5 weeks), I can't control my appetite or hunger (I can't really tell when I am full till its too late that I throw up) and I can't take in a much nutrients from food I eat during the time I ate gluten.

Now that my body has yet again reacted to it, my mom is mad and worried and as much as decided on drastic stuff. (>.<)" She has decided for my health to put me on a prep detox as we have a crazy schedule of eating out a lot the next few weeks and leaving on a trip, so after we get back I will  be on a 2 week detox/nutritional repair program. Then after I will be on a "diet" (but more like a change of eating) till I get back to "normal" = healthy.

I know its for my health, but the thought is scary, and that means no junk food! And the withdrawal symptoms from gluten is hard for me to deal with.


0 Movie Day & Cleaning.

Today I had lunch with my dad and brother, the boys wanted burgers so I had to tag along but I ate a very healthy one without breaking this diet. Anyways, after my brother and I met up with DA and JA where we watched Despicable Me 2 and Lone Ranger (I just realized I read this book O.o). Unfortunately, I did eat chicken nuggets so the breading of it may get to me later tonight :( although I am hoping it doesn't. But as always despicable me 2 was cute, but i think the first one was much better that's my opinion though. Anyways, I am to go back to helping to clean out the basement with what happened from yesterday night's disaster.


0 Decluttering & organizing.

So reason i have been away from this in so long is that 
1) i go to the movies with my best friend every tuesday
2) been decluttering & organizing my room
3) fam time

On the tuesday we went again for round 3 of man of steel (we hit our limits now! my bro was asleep & the rest of us we were half of asleep lol) and the heat (pretty funny movie). 
The other days i was cleaning up my room by throwing things out, bagging stuff up, and putting some away for storage. it took all the spare time i had. to top this all off i was sick and still am, although i always try to see my friends when its not at its worst. yesterday it took its toll, so luckily i finished my room saturday. 
I am now yet again put on a strict diet for my body to go back to normal (as is balance wise as i have been having some hard days managing my eating) and so my immune system can be strong again. So I was suppose to head out to meet my friend to visit the Distillery District. Luckily I didn't as we had a major thunderstorm that occurred in Toronto, and it was flooding and areas were submerged in water too. >.< It was a pretty crazy night and luckily my dad had a backup battery for the internet~ kkk.